Wednesday, January 29, 2020

New Bed

Olivia's room has been a source of frustration quite a while.  It is just too small to have a bed, dresser, book shelf, and toy storage with any place to play.  So, we decided to take the plunge and buy her a loft bed with a bookshelf and dresser built into it.  It saved SO much floor space!  Now she has room to play and room for her doll house!  We have bins and a place for all of her toys.  This is functioning so much better and is such a sweet and cozy room for her! I love how it turned out!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Self Portrait

O: "Mom, do you like this picture I drew?"
Me: "Yes, I do! What did you draw?"
O: "It's a picture of me...POOPING!"

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Nine Months

Pulling up!
First ride in a grocery cart
Flaps arms up and down when he wants to be picked up
5 teeth - 3 bottom, 2 top...more very soon!

Likes: to snort, PEANUT BUTTER TOAST, crawling to Miles, pulling Miles' hair, crackers,  pulling books off the bookshelf, cords, eating floor food. KICKING FEET
Dislikes: Not being able to walk

Weight: 21 lbs 10.4 oz - 81%
Length: 31 in - >99%
Head: 46.3cm - 84%

Auntie Brigid comes to visit

Auntie Brigid came to visit us for a couple of days and it was SO much fun to see her! We went to Briarhouse for a special drink and hung out around the house, but the most fun was the Beauty and the Beast movie night!  We made a special menu featuring quiche, "the grey stuff," bread, cheese, and jam, sweet tea, and chocolate covered strawberries.  It was so fun watching a childhood favorite with them!  And of course, it was amazing seeing our dear friend!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year's Day at the cabin

For the past several years, we've been out at the cabin on New Year's Day.  This year was no exception and we headed out there to meet the family for some snowshoeing, sledding, and soup.  Simon got pulled around in his little sled and got to play in the snow for the first time ever.  He was a pretty good sport about it.  The bigger kids had a great time sledding and Miles had a blast running along with the people on snowshoes.  I love that we have a beautiful place to enjoy all the seasons and can't wait to see what 2020 has in store for us!