Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Homeschool - February

Our Quill theme for the month was cooking, so both  Nolan and  Livi spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen.  Nolan prepared dinner on Mondays and Livi did on Wednesdays.  Their knife skills are improving, as are the skills at the stove.  It is so wonderful that they love to be involved  in the kitchen!

Olivia worked hard on this adorable walrus art project.  Its head even turns back and forth!

We made mailboxes for everyone's doors and sent letters to each other's mailboxes.  They had lots of fun with this - writing sweet  notes and drawing pictures.

We read two versions of Stone Soup and then they acted out a skit of their own version.

We had a special Valentine's breakfast with pink pancakes and a fancy table!

We made Valentines for nursing home residents through an open craft time at the library.

This month we read, "Dragons in a Bag" by Zetta Elliott.  We did lots of fun dragon activities, including making clay dragon eggs.

We read the book, "A Fine Dessert" and made Blackberry Fool.  This book showed the progression of technology in the kitchen and how to make Blackberry Fool in the 1700s, 1800s, and today.  It was a great read and was fun and easy to make the yummy dessert!

We spent a few hours at Forth Floral, drinking Briar House drinks, doing our copywork and read aloud, hunting for the kitty, Gucci, and enjoying the spectacular plants.  The warmth and smells in the greenhouse are so relaxing and are such a pick-me-up in this never ending winter.  It was such a good afternoon!

The kids each picked out a succulent and we potted them together once we got home.

The kids learned about Ted Harrison and worked on an awesome winter landscape project inspired by him.  They turned out so cool!

We made these awesome dragon egg projects, complete with a creepy dragon eye peeking out!

Since we had to cancel our "One and Only Bob" party due to constant illnesses, we had banana splits anyway!

We made Hodag signs to go cheer on our buddy, Owen, at his hockey tournament.  He is the goalie and the kids loved watching him play!


Friday, February 24, 2023

Fort Wilderness

 Our friend from co-op, Laura, works at Fort Wilderness and she arranged a field trip opportunity for all the co-op kids and family to come and explore all the fun activities there!  We went ice skating (which was a first time experience and a highlight!), tubing down the giant hill, visited the horses, and of course, warmed up with some hot cocoa.  It was a super fun day outside with our friends! 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Weekend in Madison

For Christmas Eric got me tickets to see the Madison Orchestra perform the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film score along with a live showing of the movie.  I went with Brigid and we had a blast hanging out together, hitting some cute shops, and finding some yummy desserts/wine to have during the performance.  I always love time with Brig and this was no exception!

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Trees for Tomorrow

We had a great day of learning at Trees for Tomorrow in Eagle River! Our co-op schedule a field trip there for a full day worth of activities! There was so much to learn and do! We identified trees, studied animal adaptations using animal skulls and furs, measured layers of snow and evaluated the crystals under a microscope, and scouted out animal tracks and scat in the snow. Simon was a whole mood and kept us all cracking up with his antics (his legs stopped working numerous times), but he was the very bravest boy with the snake, Greta. (Mama was brave too - I got close enough to take a picture! 😉) I love learning along with these kiddos and watching their sense of wonder as they learn something new!