Wednesday, February 28, 2024

February Homeschool

 Nolan wrote some fun poems that remind me of some of the Shel Silverstein poems he loves.  It's fun to see the influences of great writers come alive as they're writing!

Simon made this worksheet at co-op about his sister, and it melted my heart.

Olivia has been using her free time to get extra crafty!  Here she is making a turtle out of air dry clay.  I love her creativity and imagination!

We finally finished all of the seasons of "A Series of Unfortunate Events," so of course, we had to have a party!  We decorated with the VFD symbol and quotes from the book, as well as a Clue board featuring main characters from the show.  We also made lots of yummy book-inspired food!

Family Fun Appetizer with Various Sauces and Lachrymose Leeches (they won't bite back, probably...)

Uncle Monty's Coconut Cream Cake (This was seriously one of the best cakes we ever had - the kids thought so too!)

Incredibly Deadly Viper Venom (Drink at your own risk!)

Aunt Josephine's Cold Cucumber Soup (It's grammatically correct)

Count Olaf's Potstickers (They're PROBABLY not poisoned)

This sure doesn't look like February in Wisconsin, but it has been unbelievably warm (over 60 degrees) and we don't have any snow! The kids got to play Tball outside at co-op this week!

Olivia has taken an interest in sewing recently and she decided to make a skirt.  We went to Hobby Lobby and found some cute fabric and followed a Youtube tutorial to make her skirt.  She did almost the whole thing by herself, sewing on Great Grandma Edie's sewing machine.  It turned out so great and she is going to take it to the Creative Arts Expo in April!

Friday, February 2, 2024


Lil' Joe, the Manatee was featured on a TV show the kids watched all about Animal Kingdom.  They were excited to see him in person!

 We met all sorts of characters at Epcot, toured all of the countries, and went on a few rides, including the Nemo ride that ended in The Seas aquarium.  It was a warmer day and our fourth big Disney day, so we called it a day in the early afternoon and went back to our AirBnb for some pool and relaxation time.  Our Disney trip could not have been any more memorable or magical.  Every single thing went so smoothly and these days with our family all together will be memories that I will cherish forever.