Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December Homeschool

Simon has been working hard on his winter drawing/writing book.  His drawings are so cute!

When I got to be Simon's helper, he had a special guest come to visit - Tommy, the red tailed hawk!  It was such a neat experience to get to see this amazing creature up close!

The kids made powderhorns for their American Revolution unit.  We've been reading "Susanna's Midnight Ride" and it has been such an interesting and fun unit to study!

Dinner church has continued to be a hit for our kids all semester.  They look forward to it every week.  All of the kids have served the meal at least once, and it's so fun to see Simon get in there too.  

Igraine the Brave, made by Olivia at Co-op art class out of tooling foil, tempera paint, and sharpie.

 For the end of our Susanna/American Revolution unit, the kids made a bald eagle out of oil pastel, sulfite paper, and tempera paint stars.  They also worked really hard on these awesome American Revolution portfolios which had tons of learning and projects insde.

Throughout the semester, Nolan and Olivia have been pen pals with a couple of seniors at Grace Lodge, Ken and Linda.  They wrote letters several times throughout the semester and got to know their pals on paper, but we finally got to meet them right before Christmas.  Grace Lodge threw a pizza party and the kids came to chat and put a face with a name!  It was fun to get to hear some stories and learn more about them.  Ken is 94, and is having a hard time writing letters, but we will visit him the next time we go to Grace Lodge.  Linda wants to keep writing with Olivia.  All of the seniors were exceptionally sweet and it was a good opportunity for all!