Saturday, December 26, 2015

Danzinger Christmas

The day after Christmas was our special family celebration with the Danzingers.  Luke and Annalyse were home from California, and it was fun to spend some time together opening presents, visiting and catching up, and playing games.

Livi loves her new taggie!

Each year, we compete to be the first to find the pickle ornament hidden on the tree.  Things got pretty cut-throat this year and I bested Lucas to win an Amazon gift card.  Here's a picture of Nolan helping Uncle Luke look.

Later that day, Grandpa and Grandma D came to visit, to exchange presents, play cards and have lunch.  I think both Grandpa and Grandma have a special place in their hearts for Nolan and Livi and got a kick out of playing with them.  Grandma D remembered how much Nolan loved the vintage cash register at her house and got him one of his own for Christmas this year!

The kids really enjoyed some special time with their aunt and uncle and their grandparents.  We're grateful we got to make some good memories together during this Christmas season.  

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