The other night Eric was giving the kids a bath when I noticed Miles was acting weird. He was panting and darting back and forth from the gate to the blanket chest, trying to get my attention. Honestly, with how peculiar our particular dog is, I didn't think too much of it until I heard a squeak.
It was like that scene with Aunt Bethany from the Griswold's Family Christmas..."What's that sound? It's a funny squeaky sound."
I nervously gathered my courage and made my way into the family to check things out. Sure enough, I heard another squeak and I high-tailed into the bathroom for reinforcements.
Usually of the two of us, I am calm and collected and know just what to do in a crisis. However, I was acting like an irrational basketcase and took over bathtime while my hero of a husband headed in to discover what was hiding in our house.
Eric and Miles cornered it and discovered that our rodent nemesis was a rolly polly thirteen striped ground squirrel....probably the same one that's been shredding everything in our garage...but that's another story...
It was not long before my knight in shining armor called for my assistance, so I quickly finished the kids' baths and began the process of "suiting up" for this disgusting task. There were two things I was certain of: 1. It was NOT going to touch me. 2. I didn't want to kill or maime it. So, obviously I needed to wear socks, boots, long pants, a coat, hat, and scarf in order to make sure it couldn't possibly touch my skin in a wild frenzy as we chased him back to the great outdoors.
Basically my "help" consisted of me standing on the landing, watching Eric flip over the furniture and shrieking every time I spotted Chippy. Once all the hiding places were gone, our demonic little friend found the open door and booked it out of here...hopefully never to return again! It certainly added a little excitement to our boring Sunday night!
Good boy, My-My. |