Sunday, September 25, 2016

My girl

At 13 months, we're really seeing Olivia's personality blossom. Our little lady is confident, independent, and just a little bit sassy. :)  She is fiesty and opinionated and oh so very funny.  She's saying more and more words - Night-Night, Mama, Dada, Nolan, My-My, shoes - shakes her head yes and no, barks like a puppy, and has the best laugh.  

She still loves to snuggle with her pink birdie blanket and sucks her thumb when she goes to sleep. She loves to give sloppy open mouthed kisses and blow raspberries.  Also, if Daddy doesn't pick her up immediately when he gets home from work, she stomps her fit and throws a fit in protest.   

One of the cutest things about Livi is her absolute love for shoes and purses.  She loves to sit by the front door and try on Mommy, Daddy, and Nolan's shoes and wear them around the house.  She also loves to drag around purses and bags, often squealing because she's so excited.  

Lately, she's been getting more mischievous and has been getting into all the kitchen cabinets and emptying the book shelves.  She is a climber and is really brave about standing on stools or chairs, even though it gives her mommy a heart attack.

Olivia is an outdoor girl and loves to dig in the sandbox with or without big brother.  She can climb up our jungle gym slide and can really cover some ground when she gets to running across the yard.

We sure love our Livi LuBear and all the many charming and wonderful facets to her personality!

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