Wednesday, January 30, 2019

1000 Books!

In January, the library held a congratulatory event in January to celebrate all the amazing kids who completed the 1000 Books before Kindergarten program in the past year.  Unfortunately, Liv was super sick with a fever and bronchiolitis the night of the event and had to stay home.  But, Mrs. C presented her with her certificate and free book this past week in acknowledgement of her achievement.  We're so proud of both of our kids and their love of books and reading.  Livi's current favorites are Llama Llama, Pete the Cat, and books about horses or princesses.  We hope that our commitment to reading to them as young children will foster in them a lifelong love of learning and reading!  Way to go, Livi!  We're proud of you!  Also, another shout out to our wonderful Children's librarians who offer such a wonderful service to our community in their providing of special  programs, nurturing of children, and support of parents.  We are so thankful and appreciative of all they do!

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