Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Influenza Hell

Saturday morning Nolan woke up feeling awful with a 103 degree fever.  However, that was the extent of his symptoms.  He spent the day snuggled up on the couch and by Sunday he was better.  Little did we know that it was the start of something terrible... 

When I woke up on Sunday morning, I had a terrible barky cough...the kind that makes me cough til I vomit.  I went in to Urgent Care, thinking I had a case of bronchiolitis and hoping for a round of steroids.  The doctor wouldn't prescribe them though, due to my pregnancy.  She sent me home with an inhaler and I was absolutely miserable.  My coughing continued to get worse and then the muscle aches and fatigue set in.  I don't know if I had ever felt so miserable.  Of course, Eric got it too, and by Wednesday Olivia had a fever of 104.  I took her in to see the pediatrician who did blood work, a urinalysis, and a chest x-ray.  These tests all came back normal, and Liv was diagnosed with influenza and prescribed Tamiflu.  After some phone calls and a quick stop to the OBGYN department, Eric and I were prescribed Tamiflu as well, and we hoped that we were at least on the road to recovery.  Throughout the week, we were barely able to get off the couch.  We couldn't grocery shop or even muster enough energy to pick Nolan up from school.  Eric missed the entire week of work and we all struggled to just get through each day.  It was one of the worst weeks our family has ever had.  I wouldn't wish influenza on my worst enemy - especially not when you're 9 months pregnant.  

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