Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rolling Over

Welp, we've got a roller....!  Simon rolled back to front tonight while Eric was changing his diaper.  So long, swaddling!   Let's hope he still sleeps tonight!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Memorial Day weekend

Memorial Day weekend brought Grandpa Jim and Grandma Marcia to town.  We celebrated by taking Simon's first trip to Holiday Acres and spending some time fishing at Hodag Park.  It was a beautiful, sunny weekend and great to spend the time together.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Livi's First Dentist trip

Livi went to the dentist for the first time this past week.  She was so brave, despite feeling a little anxious earlier in the day.  I promised her a Lunchable if she was good for her cleaning, and she delivered.  Aside from the thumb sucking that isn't great for her palette, her teeth are in great shape, according to our favorite dentist, Dr. Andy. Way to be brave, Livi!

Monday, May 13, 2019


I stumbled upon this poem written by one of my favorite authors, Bunmi Laditan, a few weeks ago.  It made me cry the first time I read it and every single time since.  It so perfectly sums up the depth of love found in motherhood.  My three children have brought me more joy than I could ever express.  They have brought me daily challenges that have caused me to reflect and grow.  They have brought laughter, fun, and immeasurable love.  I am so thankful for the gift of being a mother.  

The kids made my day so special.  They treated me to breakfast in bed: yogurt with fruit and granola, egg sandwiches, and a special caramel latte.  We went to Church and they behaved like angels.  They gave me to homemade cards, lots of chocolate treats, and a hanging flower basket.  We went to Steve and Patti's for some homemade pizza.  I felt so loved and appreciated.  I am so thankful for the three beautiful souls that call me mom. 

Smiley Simon

My precious five week old decided to give me an awesome Mother's Day weekend surprise - his first smiles!  He's been making eye contact and thinking about it for a week or so, but today while I was burping him, he gave me a grin.  Melt my heart. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

One Month

One month old:
Weighs in at 10 lbs 3 oz
Eats every 2 hours around the clock
Loves Mommy, Pacifier, Snuggles, looking at us like we stole him
Hates Baths, Diaper Changes, Having farts
Had a nasty case of baby acne and clogged tear ducts

Saturday, May 4, 2019


Steve and Patti got a new pup this week.  She is an adorable, fuzzy little sweetie named Ravin.  Livi can't get enough of her sweet puppy wiggles and snuggles.  Nolan thought she was cute until he heard her bark and cry when she was left in her pen.  It will be fun to see her grow and change over the years.  It's hard to believe Roxy was just a little over a year old when Eric and I started she's gray muzzled and moving slower, but still in remarkably good shape for fifteen.  Time sure does fly!

Everett Nathan

My nephew, Everett Nathan, arrived with a bang this week.  After over 50 hours of labor (!!!), he was born via C-section, but was not breathing.  He was resuscitated, needing CPR, and was whisked away to the NICU.  Once there, he recovered quickly but stayed for a few days for observation.  Annalyse and Luke handled the stressful situation beautifully, and before we knew it, the new family of 3 was able to go home.  I'm so excited to be an aunt and can't wait to meet little Everett.  I'm really excited that he and Simon will be close in age and will hopefully make lots of memories together.