Monday, May 13, 2019


I stumbled upon this poem written by one of my favorite authors, Bunmi Laditan, a few weeks ago.  It made me cry the first time I read it and every single time since.  It so perfectly sums up the depth of love found in motherhood.  My three children have brought me more joy than I could ever express.  They have brought me daily challenges that have caused me to reflect and grow.  They have brought laughter, fun, and immeasurable love.  I am so thankful for the gift of being a mother.  

The kids made my day so special.  They treated me to breakfast in bed: yogurt with fruit and granola, egg sandwiches, and a special caramel latte.  We went to Church and they behaved like angels.  They gave me to homemade cards, lots of chocolate treats, and a hanging flower basket.  We went to Steve and Patti's for some homemade pizza.  I felt so loved and appreciated.  I am so thankful for the three beautiful souls that call me mom. 

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