Monday, March 30, 2020

Quarantine Day Fifteen

- Nolan and Mom finished Prisoner of Azkaban
- We get our first package of meals from the school.  Every Monday and Thursday, the school provides breakfast and lunches for every child in the city of Rhinelander, regardless of income.  It is so much good food!  Lots of fresh fruits and veggies, a milk with each meal, and lots of variety.  This will really help stretch our grocery budget, because with five people home all day every day, we go through a lot of food!
- Simon loves snacking on cheerios
- Nolan learned to ride on two wheels!  I am so proud that he achieved this goal and did it so quickly!  Within a couple days, he had it figured out!  Great job, buddy!
- Eric begins working mornings only and is home in the afternoons.  In order to limit exposure to anyone outside of our home, there are only two employees at USFD at one time.  Marcus is there his normal hours, Eric goes in the morning, and Dave and Patti are rotating afternoons.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Quarantine Day Twelve

- Livi sports Grandma Marcia's cowgirl outfit
- Day Two of online schooling - Nolan dresses like a Pokemon trainer and Livi follows suit
- First COVID-19 case in Oneida County

Quarantine Day Thirteen

- Mom and Nolan finish the 500 piece Pokemon puzzle again
- Dad and Livi made a chocolate pie
- Grandma Patti porch talk with some cheetah goodies so Livi can run fast!
- Grandpa Jim is unknowingly exposed to an employee who tested positive.  He is now to be quarantined for the next 14 days.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Quarantine Day Eleven

- Baby napped!
- Day One of online learning!  The first grade team did a really good job of having clear, easy to follow lesson plans.
- Made paper butterflies for the nursing home
- Eric starts working mornings only

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Quarantine Day Ten

- Sleepy baby still won't sleep.
- Auntie Brigid read us The Napping House.
- Shelter in Place order is issued by Governor Evers.  This means Wisconsin residents should not leave their house unless you are working at an "essential business."  You may leave once per week to visit the grocery store.  US Forestry is considered essential because we supply parts to the logging industry which in turn, makes the paper products we all need.  The hope is that if we all stay home, we will slow the spread enough to avoid overwhelming our medical staff and equipment. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Quarantine Day Nine

- Simon is getting his 1 year molars and won't nap.  He is super grumpy which is making the day feel really long.
- Our neighbor, Jennifer, invited us to make paper flowers to drop at the nursing home to bring some cheer to the residents there.  We plan on working on different designs all week and she will drop off before the weekend. 
- Auntie Brigid has been sending us book and song videos, which have been so fun.  Today she sent us Aiken Drum and we illustrated it.
- Miles is weird.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Quarantine Day Seven

- New Daily routine - the kids have been doing really well with this...better than expected!
- Nolan and Livi have been liking to help my cook.  Tonight we made chimichangas...Simon approves
- Ding Dong Ditched by the Lindners...we got sweet handwritten notes and some special treats from our friends.  We miss them so much!
- I had the kids write notes for their teachers.  I'm imagining how hard it must be for them to convert to an online teaching format on the fly and lose the face to face connection with their kids.  This is such tough stuff!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Quarantine Day Six

- Phone conversations with Grandma and Grandpa...I get such a kick out of watching her talk on the phone. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

Quarantine Day Five

- Saw deer in our yard
- Finished the 500 piece Pokemon puzzle
- Watched Frozen 2 (again...)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quarantine Day Four

- Trip to the Briarhouse for curbside Italian Sodas and Lattes - we give our CC number over the phone and they run the drinks out when we arrive.
- Livi's been really excited to get to wear her princess dresses every day

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Quarantine Day Two

- Played board games all morning
- Went on a walk
- Watched Frozen II (again)
- Filled Good Job Jar!! Snowcones tonight!
- Restaurants/Bars closed indefinitely
- Gatherings of more than 10 people banned
- cancelled Simon's birthday party
- schools are closed indefinitely
- WI cases rose by 50% since yesterday
- St. Patrick's Day