Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19 Day One

With COVID-19 rampaging through our country, Eric and I have made the decision to stay at home for the foreseeable future. With the exception of Eric's work, we will not be going anywhere in the hopes that we will not contract the virus or spread it unknowingly to someone else.  Schools are closed, businesses are shutting down and life as we know it is on halt.  These are crazy times.  Anxieties are high and life feels overwhelming.  Our school district is on spring break this week, so we won't need to start online learning until next week.  We are trying our best to keep a routine with the kids so things feel stable at home.  I have good moments and moments where the fear takes hold.  I think everybody does right now.  Knowing this is an historic time in our world, I'm going to do my best to journal the high points of our days in quarantine, so years from now we can look back at 2020 when the whole world was put on pause.  Here's the high points from Day One:

- Governor Evers banned groups over 50 from gathering (think churches, conventions, some businesses, etc)
- We started a great job jar to offer the kids to earn some incentives while we are at home.  Nolan's teacher uses this, so we thought the consistency would help.
- We spent our day doing puzzles, reading books (trying to read 100), drawing, and playing games.  Frozen II was released on Disney+ and we watched that.
- YMCA closed

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