Sunday, April 5, 2020

Simon's First Birthday

We had plans for an awesome Peanuts themed birthday party as our sweet Simon turned one, but it was not meant to be.  Due to the pandemic, we made the easy/sad choice to not risk the health of our loved ones by gathering in a large group to celebrate.  But, this was not the way I envisioned celebrating my last baby's first birthday.  Good thing he's too young to know the difference.  We started the day with his favorite breakfast of oatmeal pancakes.  Since Katie couldn't take pictures of him, I attempted to take a few and do a birthday cake smash.  The poor thing was afraid of his cake!  Livi and I made him an absolutely delicious, super moist, dairy-free chocolate cake and every time he got near it he cried.  He wouldn't even try it!  


You have grown so much over the past year!  You are close to walking, but are a lightning-fast crawler. You LOVE black olives and sloppy joes.  You have nine teeth, nod your head, dance when you hear music and wave (but only on your terms.) You are a little bit surly and have a mind of your own.  You like to throw food off of your high chair, pull open the gate to the stairs, try to eat dog food, and empty as many kitchen cabinets as you can.  You LOVE your baba and faceplant onto it when you see it.  You make us laugh and your sweet snuggles for mama are the best...even though you won't say mama!  You have made our family complete and we are so grateful for the amazing blessing you are to our family.  Simon, you are so loved.  Happy Birthday, sweetheart!


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