Saturday, November 7, 2020

Homeschool: Unit Four - Election


We've been talking about this election for months.  Ever since the Trump and Biden lawn signs started appearing months ago, the kids and I have been having deep heart to hearts about what makes a good leader, what we wish to see for our country, and what's at stake with another Trump presidency.  Normally, I wouldn't think it necessarily appropriate to discuss politics with a five year old and eight year old.  This year is different.  My children deserve to grow up in a country where women are treated with respect and dignity; where people of color are true equals and their voices (and lives) matter; where people with disabilities are not mocked and publicly shamed; and where CHILDREN OF REFUGEES ARE NOT TAKEN FROM THEIR PARENTS AND LOCKED IN CAGES!!!!  I want my kids to grow up knowing what side of history Eric and I were on.  That we cared.  That we voted.  I want them to know and honor the great privilege it is to have your voice heard in an election, and to remember to use their white privilege to vote for leaders who promote the dignity and equality of every person.  

We made campaign posters, talked about leadership skills, and the kids registered to vote in our own home election.  They watched Eric and I fill out our ballots and went with me when we delivered them to city hall.  And they, like me, were beyond relieved when it was announced that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had won the election!  Of course, Trump hasn't gone down without a temper tantrum.  Despite Biden's overwhelming majority of electoral votes, Trump continues to claim the election was rigged and that absentee ballots are illegal.  He has opened law suits in many swing states.  However, his efforts have proven to be futile and the court has dismissed case after case.   The final count of electoral votes is Biden 306 and Trump 232.  I personally feel such a sense of relief knowing that intellectualism, decency, and diplomacy will be returned to the White House after four years of an embarrassing buffoon representing our interests.  AND one of the most exciting parts about all of this is that Kamala Harris is the FIRST WOMAN VICE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.  She is also African American and of South Asian descent. It is ridiculous it has taken this long to bring diversity to these high offices. But, I am glad my kids will grow up in a world where men AND women AND people of color can be leaders.  Inauguration Day cannot come soon enough.

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