Wednesday, November 10, 2021


 It started with a slightly drippy nose.  On Monday I noticed Eric's voice sounded a little different to me, but knowing how little risk we've taken, we brushed it off.  The next day, it still sounded funny to me, but Eric assured me he felt fine.  By the third day, nothing had really changed but I was starting to get more worried.  Allergies? A cold? Certainly, not covid? Right?

On Thursday, it was Olivia's turn to be drippy.  In an abundance of caution I canceled plans with the Vadis girls that day, but thought it must be allergies...did the furnace filter need to be changed?  Maybe I was slightly drippy, too?

On Friday, Eric informed me that a person at work had tested positive.  We knew our vaccines would protect us, but we figured we would feel better once Eric had negative test results.  But we knew it couldn't be covid.

I'll never forget the look of panic on Eric's face on Saturday nigh at dinnert as he received the email from Walgreens confirming our worst fear: he was positive for covid.  And since Livi was drippy, and I was drippy, we probably were too.  I left my dinner on my plate and went into crisis mode.  Who were we in contact with?  Could we have infected anyone else?  I started to make phone calls to all who were at Nolan's birthday party the previous weekend because if Eric's symptoms began on Monday, it was possible he was contagious on that Saturday.  Making those phone calls was so difficult and emotional.  We had tried so hard and made so many sacrifices to try to avoid making someone else sick.  The fact that we could now be a link in the chain that could harm someone else was so devastating.  It felt like we had made all of those sacrifices for nothing.  I thought the vaccines were supposed to protect us?!

On Saturday evening, Olivia's cough started up.  It wasn't any worse than a normal cold for her, but I felt so guilty.  How did this happen?  Why couldn't we have protected her more?  

Sunday was Halloween and that's when things really started to get bad for me.  I could hardly get off the couch all day.  It felt like a heavy elephant was sitting on my chest.  I was absolutely exhausted.  I took a rapid home test and the faintest pink line showed up.  I was officially positive.  By the next day, my cough began and I started one of the hardest weeks I've ever had.  My horrible barking cough made my ribs and chest ache.  I laid with my humidifier blowing cool mist into my face all day and night, but I still coughed.  I slathered Vicks Vapo Rub all over my chest and I remember how strange it was when I couldn't smell it.  I barely got out of bed for six days straight, not even for meals.  Patti brought over a pulse oximeter which gave us some piece of mind.  My oxygenation was still in the okay range. But by day 5 of no improvement I was starting to get scared about needing to go to the hospital.  I begged and pleaded in my head, that I would not be one of those people who get admitted to the hospital and end up on a ventilator.  We did everything right!  Why was this happening? On day 6 I felt like I finally had made some marginal improvement and managed to make it to the couch to watch a tv show.  However, after just a few minutes out amongst our normal chaos, I was exhausted and had an epic headache and had to go back to lay down.  It took many days to regain my strength and join the rest of my family.

Fortunately Olivia and Eric recovered without incident.   I don't know what we would have done if Eric hadn't been well enough to take care of me.  He did lose his sense of taste and smell but his cold-like symptoms were never worse than a drippy nose.  Nolan got it too, but it was extremely short lived.  He had an extremely stuffed up nose for about 48 hours, but never even developed a cough.  Despite living in a house full of sickies, Simon somehow stayed healthy.  It is possible he contracted it and remained asymptomatic.  Regardless, my greatest relief in all of this was that the kids did not suffer too much.  If someone was going to struggle, I'm glad it was me and not them. 

This virus is so strange in how it can look like different symptoms in different people, and can not show up as symptoms at all!  It was so discouraging to get covid after all we've done to protect ourselves.  The silver lining though is that we'll soon have both natural protection and protection from vaccination, which will hopefully make us feel more confident about doing things in public in the future.  I'm so glad we all recovered without medical intervention and fortunately, no one we came in contact with contracted covid from us.  


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