Sunday, February 6, 2022


 I finally got to see Brigid again this weekend, after not seeing each other since Nolan's birthday party when we almost gave everyone covid!  Rises in cases numbers kept us apart over the holidays and through January, but we were able to have some time together in Madison now that things have settled back down.  It was a much needed getaway for both of us.  Winter in the Northwoods is always a long slog, but through in the extremely cold temperatures and the pandemic and has felt never ending! We both have realized how important it is to have fun things to look forward to, and tried to make the most of our time together.  We did plenty of shopping, had some yummy food out, and had a wonderful time catching up.  We have plans to get together again in March and I can't wait!  I always treasure my time with Brig.

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