Monday, April 25, 2022

Special Cabin Weekend

We had planned on taking the family up to the UP to stay in a cabin on Lake Superior for the weekend.  However, the forecast showed snow EVERY day that week, so we made the decision to cancel.  The kids expertly handled the change in plans and when we asked them what they would like to do instead, they suggested a restaurant, a movie, and a weekend at the cabin.  

We started our special weekend with a meal at Casa Mexicana.  Before the pandemic we used to love eating there, but haven't been there in over 2 years!  It was delicious.  After Casa, we headed over to the movie theater to see Sonic the Hedgehog 2.  It was Simon's first movie.  He did really well and when he started to get a little antsy toward the end of the movie, a few M&Ms did the trick to convince him to stay in his seat.  

After the movie we headed out to the cabin.  We went on walks, played catch, and tried out our new stomp rocket and jump ropes.  We went four-wheeling and blew bubbles and ate yummy food.  Uncle Tom and Aunt Sara came out in the evening to spend some time with us, which was probably the highlight.  It was a wonderful weekend at our home away from home.  


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