Monday, December 12, 2022

Christmas Tea

 Grandma Patti hosted her fifth annual Christmas tea this week.  Originally inspired from a little doll china Christmas tea set, Grandma decided have Olivia over for tea at Christmastime when she was 2, while Nolan was away at school. The following year Simon was here and he and Livi both attended, along with Grandma Ruby.  After covid hit, all 3 kids were home, so ALL the grandkids started coming for Grandma's annual tea.  And this year, little baby Ruby came to her first tea party!  Livi wore a dress that was Patti's from when she was little.  We think it was made by Great Grandma Ruby.  The snacks were delicious and the kids had fun spending time with their sweet new cousin and the rest of their family.  

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