Thursday, May 17, 2018

Quirky Livi Lu

Our little Livi is certainly a character.  Her antics make us both laugh and cringe, but here are a few of her latest quirks/sayings:

Lately she's taken an interest in tasting people.  She sticks out that big tongue and gives you a lick and then says, "You taste like honey."  I have no idea where she got this from.  It's equal parts hilarious and horrifying.

The other day I was in the church office making copies when she loudly said, "Is that your nipple?" while poking my boob repeatedly.  I tried to inconspicuously redirect her, but she only asked it louder and louder until there was no doubt everyone in the square block could identify where my nipple was.

She's been kind of stinker lately about bedtime, and insists that she's not sleepy.  On some of the more frustrating nights, she'll lay down for about 10 minutes and then walk out into the living room and say, "I sleep good," meaning she's had a full night's rest and thinks it's morning.

She calls  guacamole, "Rocky-Rolly"

She absolutely insists on feeding Eric his breakfast.  She sits on his lap and feeds him bite by bite, each time saying, "Do you yike it? Do you yove it"

Along with her not wanting to go to bed, she's been waking overnight - sometimes as many as 4 or 5 times.  The weird part is that she doesn't actually get me.  She opens the door to my room and then lays near it in the living room on the hardwood floor.  Sometimes she whispers my name, but other times she just lays there - sometimes for hours if I don't hear her.  You'd think she would just walk the 3 more steps to my bedside, but I guess not...

She says, "Watch me go" on her swing, slide, or bike.

Her most used phrase lately is "I do it with myself," meaning she does NOT want help.

She calls a hula hoop a "yoo-hoo" and it's the cutest thing ever.

Oh Livi Lu, we love you so!

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