Sunday, July 7, 2019

Fourth of July weekend

We kept up our Fourth of July tradition by heading downtown for the parade.  The bummer this year, however, was that Mom and Dad's truck broke down a little bit west of Wausau, so they were unable to make it in time.  Luckily, they were able to connect with Eric's cousin, Scott, who brought them to Rhinelander later that day.  The parade was good, but hot.  I also really wish they be a little more considerate in terms of the volume level of the participants.  This year there was a snowmobile at the end of the parade that was absolutely deafening.  It was unbearable for me, let alone my littles, and it was super stressful trying to protect their little ears!

After the parade, we headed to Tom and Sara's new house for some swimming and family fun.  The kids had a blast with their cousins, playing in the sprinkler, the lake, and going on the boat.  We had delicious food and ice cream sundaes (which Livi shared with Skye...)

Mom and Dad stayed a few more days before I drove them back down to Wausau to pick up their truck from the shop.  It was a nice family weekend together, filled with lots of fun and sunshine!

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