Monday, July 8, 2019

Missing Tooth!!

Nolan's front tooth has been wiggly for months, but this past week it was dangling by a thread.  We could see the permanent one peeking through every time he wiggled it, but Nolan was adamant that he didn't want his tooth to come out.  We pleaded with him to let us help him pull it; we offered dessert and treats, but his nerves got the best of him and he would not let us touch it.  He said he was afraid he would be embarrassed without his tooth.  We respected his wishes, but on the third night of not being able to eat his supper without pain, we again encouraged him to take the plunge.  It was after an hour and a half of negotiating when he finally let Eric pull it.  It didn't take much.  Katie offered to take a special picture to remember the day and to celebrate his adorable toothless grin.  I can't wait to see what he looks like with those permanent teeth.  Like it or not, he is growing up!

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