Monday, September 30, 2019

Happy Birthday, Grandma Patti!

We celebrated Grandma Patti's birthday out at the cabin the other day.  I decided to tackle making an Almond Cream Cake in order to get out of making the super putzy Poppyseed cake, but this cake was even more fussy with its folded in egg whites and super finicky cooked frosting.  It was good, but not great.  What was good, however, was the time we spent together with our family.  Fall at the cabin is just the best.  Happy Birthday, Grandma Patti!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Grampa's Farm

Going to Grampa's Farm in the fall has become one of our favorite family traditions.  We lucked out and got a BEAUTIFUL, sunny fall day this year and we all had a great time.  The petting zoo is always my favorite and the kids were over the moon for the opportunity to snuggle the sweet, little bunnies.  After exploring some of the other fun activities around the farm, we went on a hayride out to the pumpkin patch where the kids each got to pick a pumpkin. It is such a neat place and I can't wait to make more memories with my family there next fall!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bus Stop

We have such a nice group of neighborhood kids. We love that our kids have a great bunch of friends to ride the bus with.  We love living here!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fall Photoshoot

I love these beautiful pictures of my babies captured by my favorite photographer, Katie Lindner.  The colors are just starting, but it was 70 degrees out!  Simon is just about six months old, and is just starting to sit up on his own.  He is also sporting his new bottom teeth! Olivia turned four in August and is so fun, micheivious, and sweet.  She is also super tall and seems to grow and inch a week lately!  Nolan will be turning seven in a little over a month.  He has lost four teeth already and is sporting that uneven grin of a big first grader.  He is growing too, both in height and maturity.  What a treat to be their mom!