Friday, November 1, 2019


We kicked off our Halloween celebrations with Halloween Storytime at the library.  We love our library and the wonderful programs they offer.  We read books about spooky subjects, watched a movie about a friendly witch, and made a pumpkin treat bag.  Livi and Simon had a great time.

It was the coldest Halloween I can remember for trick or treating this year - barely over 20 degrees!  We bundled our kids up with lots of layers to join our BIG neighborhood group.  After much deliberation, a few middle of the night wake-ups, and lots of stress, Nolan settled on being a Pokémon trainer.  Olivia was Amelia Earhart, complete with The Canary airplane, specially engineered for her by her daddy.  Simon was supposed to be a pumpkin, but it was so cold, that we just bundled him up as warmly as we could in his stroller.  He must have been pretty cozy because by the first house he was asleep.

We also made our annual stop at Great Grandma Ruby's house after our neighborhood candy had been gathered.  After that, we headed to Steve and Patti's house for our Halloween tradition of a pizza party for dinner.  It was a fun Halloween, despite the cold weather, and we are well-stocked on candy for the next few weeks!

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