Sunday, January 31, 2021

Homeschool - January

We made posters about our favorite part of Christmas vacation.

We spent a lot of time working on Legos during the month of January.  We built with them, played with them, measured with them, and learned about the Lego company.  

We studied the Indian festival called Diwali.

We played with pattern blocks.

We measured household objects with Lego pieces and made estimates about their length.

The kids continued to play dress up and use their imaginations playing "Last Kids on Earth."  It is so fun to see how this skill has developed over the past year.  They have become such good friends and playmates.

We did a mini-unit on Pandas and learned about some of the wildlife of China in Disney's wildlife movie called "Born in China."

Nolan read a book about jellyfish and wrote a report on them.

We spent a lot of time playing outside in this milder-than-usual winter.

 We read an awesome book called, "This is How we Do It," which details the life of seven kids who live in different places around the world.  We made our own version, including details about where we live, what/when we eat, and how we learn.  The kids really enjoyed learning about how other kids from different counties have similarities and differences to us.  

Nolan and I tackled his Pokemon puzzle that he got for Christmas.

We made our own ice cream in a bag by shaking the milk in a bag with ice.  We didn't make a lot, but it was a fun treat and the kids really were excited to have their turn to shake!

Nolan has continued to progress in his piano skills.  Sometimes he has a little too much help when he is trying to practice...

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