Monday, February 1, 2021

Simon - Not quite two

Being almost two is many big feelings.  

He stole the cookies that were cooling on the counter, and dug right in.  His love for chocolate may rival mine!

He likes to pretend his monitor is a phone.

Nolan and Simon continue to have a very special bond.  Simon looks to Nolan as another caregiver and snuggles from him can sometimes help if he's hurt or sad.  Nolan is so kind and nurturing to him.

Definitely not sleepy after skipping his nap...

He loves carrying tiny stuffed animals around.

He thinks it's so funny when Daddy plays Simon Hat with him...Daddy sings, "Simon hat, Simon hat, Stinky, inky, winky, pinky, Simon hat...Simon hat, weee, Simon hat, wooooo, Stinky, inky, winky, pinky Simon hat.

His pacifier continues to be a necessity this time even two at once!

He LOVES golden oreos and they're dairy free!

He is a clown and loves to make us laugh, especially at mealtime.

Wearing other people's shoes is also a favorite.

He has 3-4 babas (blankets) with him at all times...Yellow is the favorite, followed by the white animal one, followed by the blue truck, followed by the tan giraffe.

 He loves to be outside and especially loves to splash in puddles!

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