Sunday, August 8, 2021

Happy Birthday, Olivia and Mommy!

 Olivia just turned six! It's hard to believe how fast she's grown! We celebrated with an awesome safari birthday party with her grandparents, Uncle Luke and Everett, Great Grandma Ruby, and Auntie Brigid.  She had so much fun with all of the cheetah decorations, the treasure hunt, and the photo booth.  She got roller skates which she has been asking for for a while, a makeup set, some awesome new cheetah things, and her very own leopard she calls Jiaru.  


Your spark and spunk bring so much fun to our family.  You bring joy with you to all you do.  You have a wild and creative imagination and are so confident in who you are.  I am astounded by you and feel so lucky to be your mom.  You are the best birthday gift I ever received.  I love you so very much.  Happy 6th Birthday!

Your Birthday Buddy,

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