Saturday, October 23, 2021

Teen Titans Go Birthday

Nolan's birthday wish this year was a Teen Titans Go party with his family.  It was such a fun time with his grandparents, Uncle Tom and Aunt Sara, Auntie Brigid, and Great Grandma Ruby. The highlight of his party was probably getting his very own compound bow, arrows, and target from Grandpa Jim and Grandma Marcia, and spending the afternoon outside with his grandpas learning to use it.  It is so special that his grandparents are such good friends so they can share these beautiful moments together.  It was sweet watching them gently teach him how to safely use his bow, and how they worked together to make sure Nolan knew exactly what to do. Our kids are so lucky.  

We enjoyed a Teen Titans cake and had fun with some superhero costumes and masks.  It was a fun day for such a special young man. Happy Birthday, Nolan!


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