Friday, July 22, 2022

Day Camp

Olivia and Nolan tried something new this year - Trinity's Day Camp!  They went to CAVOC every day for a week with a group from Trinity to do crafts, play outside, learn songs and games and skits, and meet new friends from Trinity.  They had an absolutely wonderful time.  In fact, Nolan originally didn't want to do it, but after Olivia's rave review after the first day, he decided he didn't want to miss it either!  With big brother and big sister gone all day, Simon and I got some special time together.  We went to Briar House and the book store.  We did some special projects at home.  We had a Happy Meal picnic and visited Daddy at work.  It was a really special one-on-one time with him that we both treasured.  It was a great week for all involved and Livi and Nolan plan on signing up again next year!

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