Monday, August 22, 2022

August Birthday Bash

After being sick with a terrible respiratory bug for almost the entire month of August, we finally were able to have a big birthday bash for all of the August birthdays!  Mom and Patti surprised me on Friday night with a delicious meal and my own little birthday/back to school celebration.  They found lots of cute teacher things at Good Will and made quite the basket, with plenty of chocolate. (of course)

The next day was full of outdoor fun in the pool, on the swings, and we even had fireworks in the driveway.  We had unicorn ice cream cake, peanut butter chocolate cake, and a coconut cream pie that were all delicious.  After a campfire, the cousins slept together with Grandma and Grandpa in the camper.  

The next day we went on the boat and out for some swimming.  Little Simon was so worn out from the festivities that he fell asleep on Grandma's lap!  It was such a wonderful weekend together, even if we had to postpone it twice.  It was worth waiting for!

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