Saturday, January 7, 2023

Danzinger Family Christmas

This year, we got sick over Christmas.  We felt pretty crappy, with nasty respiratory viruses and lots of rest needed.  We decided to meet in early January, when we all felt better.  However, when Mom fell and injured her knee, we ended up coming for the whole week prior, to help her navigate post-surgery.  

Mid-week, Nolan took a turn and started in with high fevers, however around 101-102.  He had no other symptoms and we didn't really know what to make of it, so after an "all-clear" from the urgent care center, we proceeded with our plan.  

The Christmas tree was extra-crispy, and dropped tons of needles anytime anyone even walked near it, let alone touched it.  We passed the presents around and enjoyed the time together, even though it was late, Mom was injured, and Nolan wasn't feeling well. 

The kids all got ukuleles and were so excited to start playing them!  They each got many other nice presents, and of course, we had plenty of yummy food and drinks to celebrate.  It was so good to finally be together!


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