Sunday, April 30, 2023

April - Homeschool

Nolan finished his Math Book!

Simon's Apple Unit included an Applesauce sensory bin!

We went to the Mario movie together and had a blast.  All the kids (and adults) loved it!

 It's been beautiful enough to get to do some school outside!  It's about time!

Simon is an expert at puzzles, and remains very interested in the United States.  I bought him this wooden puzzle at the Homeschool Book Sale, and by the afternoon, he was putting it together free-form all on his own.

We finished up the spring semester of co-op with a talent show and showcase.  The kids worked so hard on their projects!  Olivia's artwork was a Pop Art portrait of Elliot, an Andy Warhol inspired kitty art project with bold colors, and a Georgia O'Keeffe inspired flower.

We worked very hard on our Greek Mythology book this year, which was inspired by reading Percy Jackson.  We drew illustrations of the major figures in the story and wrote fact sheets about them.  

Nolan's artwork included "English Rainbow," a Pop Art portrait of Miles, a Georgia O'Keeffe inspired Lily, and a Mosaic of Glass Tiles.

At the Talent Show, Olivia sang with the choir, and both kids played songs on the recorder.

The kids also made an awesome display board about the process of Maple Syrup. It turned out so cool!

Simon started his first swimming lessons!  He was so brave and was just adorable waving at me throughout his lesson.  He melts my heart.

Olivia finished her Math Book!

We each made a bracket for March Mammal Madness.  Nolan ended up choosing the correct winner - The Wolverine!

Simon's 4th Birthday party had to be rescheduled since Nolan was in the hospital, but we finally got to celebrate with his buddies at the Children's Museum.  Little buddy had so much fun playing!  He is such a sweetheart.

When our Wishtree book introduced the concept of xenophobia and racism, we used the opportunity to learn about another culture.  We did a deep dive on the country of Mexico, while our friends did India and Lebanon.  We did lots of research, learning about food, holidays, flora, fauna, indigenous people, housing and more and gave a presentation to our buddies at our Wishtree party.  We made our own tortillas and enjoyed lots of yummy Mexican food.

At our Wishtree party, we made tree ring art, as well a peanut butter bird feeders.

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