Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Happy Birthday, Simon!


In the past decade, I have never missed a birthday with one of my kiddos until this year.  This April 5th was spent in the Children's Hospital with Nolan down in Madison, with Eric and Olivia home with influenza, and our little birthday buddy having his own sleepover at Grandpa and Grandma's.  I was so grateful that they were able to take him and make the day special for him.  He got a lunchable and a dump truck ice cream cake and felt super special.  It just hurt my Mommy-heart that I wasn't the one there to celebrate with him.  When we got home and were all feeling better, I made him a cake and we had Grandma and Grandpa over to celebrate with him.  I think he felt pretty special because he got several birthday celebrations this year!

Simon tells me all the time how he wants to be little forever. How did he know that I wish for that too?? Simon's sweet and tender heart and hilarious antics make him so very special. He is fearless, bold, and super smart. He loves the planets, dinosaurs, and learning about the 50 states. He is a master puzzler. His love of chocolate rivals mine. He is empathetic and caring, and treasures his relationships with his siblings. His sweet little voice melts my heart.
Simon, you are such a treasure. We are so thankful you are part of our family and that we get a front row seat to watch you grow! Happy 4th Birthday! You are so loved!!

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