Tuesday, April 26, 2016

"It's a beautiful thing to be outside"

With the nicer spring weather, we've been spending more time outside.  It is so nice to live across the street from Hodag Park.  We frequently go on walks there or head over to the playground to play. It's such a pretty park with the beautiful blue lake there, freshly thawed from the winter.  We're all getting anxious for boating weather!

We knew that fencing in our backyard was a must when we moved in, but every spring I'm reminded of how wonderful it is to have the kids be able to be outside without having to worry about their safety.  Nolan has been playing out in the yard quite a bit and has been loving his sandbox and jungle gym.  When Livi and I went out to join him the other day, he came up to me and said, "Mommy, it's a beautiful thing to be outside."  Ah, the wisdom of our little ones...

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