Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Spring Recital

In the past year, my music studio has really grown and I now have eleven students!  It is a really nice group of kids and it is so fun to see them grow and develop their talents.  Last night, we held a recital to showcase their abilities to their families and friends.  We had a great turnout and all of the kids did a wonderful job.  Each time one of them gets up to perform I feel like it's my own child up there and I just want it to go perfectly for them.  It's such a relief when they nail that tricky spot we've been working on or they conquer their nerves and play just beautifully.  And it's so neat to mark their growth - many students in December were only playing one hand at a time, and now nearly everyone was playing with two hands together.  Needless to say, I'm a proud teacher!

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