Thursday, April 14, 2016

Melt my heart.

Nolan is such a sweet and sensitive guy, and he knows just how to melt his mama's heart.  (He is also keenly aware of how to drive her crazy, just for the record.)

Yesterday I was sitting and snuggling with my two precious kiddos and my son leaned over to give Livi and me a hug and said, "Mommy, it's good to be in our family."  Yes son, it is good to be in our family.  We are beyond blessed, but it was so wonderful to hear him recognize that.

Nolan's sweet streak continued in this morning. As soon as he heard Livi was awake, he went in there to greet her as he does most mornings.  She wanted her mommy and was being a little fussy, and Nolan wrapped her in a big bear hug and said, "Don't worry, Livi.  I'll keep you safe."  I LOVE how much my kids love each other.  They have such a beautiful, inseparable bond.  Olivia looks up to Nolan and beams when she sees him.  Nolan loves to play with her and is very gentle and loving.  It is quite possibly one of the most fulfilling moments in parenting.  I'm so lucky to be a mommy of such sweet kiddos!

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