Saturday, June 24, 2017

Bundles of Joy

The last several weeks have been stressful.  With all the craziness of buying and selling our houses with no realtors, Eric being overseas, and the stress of packing up our house with two little children, I have been feeling pretty overwhelmed and anxious.  While I was perusing Facebook the other night, one of the charities I support was requesting Baby Kits for the Syrian refugees that are currently residing in Greece.  For some reason, the request for these simple and often taken-for-granted items really struck a chord with me.  They were asking for sleepers, hats, washcloths, blankets, and nail clippers for the tiny little babies in the refugee camps - nothing extravagant, just simple every day needs.  And here I was fretting over packing the boxes and boxes of *stuff* we have....more than we could ever need.  How unfair that because of the privilege of my birthplace, I have boxes and boxes of *stuff* that I don't even need and these poor mommies don't have basic essentials for their babies.  I can't even begin to imagine what that must feel like and that really humbled me.  The kids and I picked up the supplies for three little baby girls and all I can hope is that it makes the lives of three very special warrior mamas and their precious bundles' lives a little easier.

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