Thursday, June 8, 2017

Sprinkler Fun

We've finally had a stretch of warmer weather and per Nolan's constant requesting, I pulled out the sprinkler.  Nolan was in his glory, running full speed through it, giggling nonstop.  

Olivia shares her mother's affinity for water...

She preferred to sit on the sidelines and had no interest in going anywhere near the sprinkler.  She didn't want Nolan to be by it either and after wrapping herself in her towel, she kept demanding, "No-ann!!  Tah-w" (Nolan, towel!) to try to get him to come dry off.  In the end, we did get her to go put her hand in the water, albeit reluctantly, and she did have a good time splashing a bit.  I don't think Nolan liked the sprinkler much at this age either - maybe she'll like it more when she's older...

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