Friday, July 28, 2017


Because we closed on both properties on the same  Friday, we needed to be out of our Messer St home a few days early so we had enough time to get everything cleaned and ready to go for the new owner.  Fortunately, we've been able to move all of our stuff into our new garage.  Somehow we were able to fit everything we own into it, with the exception of one trailer with our beds, couches, and the piano.  We were able to stay at Steve and Patti's house for those three days, which was awesome.  The kids were so excited to have the sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's, and we were grateful for the extra hands during this crazy time.

We finished the last trailer load on Wednesday, leaving Thursday to clean and leave the place spotless. Of course, about an hour into to the cleaning process our vacuum cleaner bit the dust, leaving us to have to go get a new one in the middle of the cleaning frenzy.  The house looked great when we finished and I was happy to leave her with a house that was ready to go.

Friday morning was our first closing.  Thankfully, after spending hours and hours on the phone for the past several weeks, trying to make sure every detail was covered, everything went perfectly and without a hitch.  We were completely done, homeless, with a big check in hand within 15 minutes!  Eric and I had a enough time to grab some lunch at The Crimson Cafe before our second closing.  It was weird to technically be completely homeless and basically debt-free for those two hours.  Our second closing went just as smoothly, though with many more papers to sign.  I may have had a "fit" of sorts, when I noticed that on every single bank form, I was listed as the co-borrower, while Eric was the borrower.  I had a flash back to the Scrubs episode when JD and Elliot were arguing over who was the chief and who was the co-chief resident.  Not sure why we wouldn't both be borrowers or co-borrowers...  Anyway, aside from my minor tizzy, the closing went beautifully and we are homeowners once again!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Moerkerkes visit

Eric has been best friends with Trevor since middle school, and though they live far away in California, we look forward to any opportunity we get to see them.  They happened to be in Rhinelander the week of our move, and though all of our dishes and most of our furniture were packed, we had them over the last night we were at our old house.  We hadn't had the chance to meet their son, Everett, yet, so it was great to get to see them and watch the kids play together.  There's something really special about watching your kids play with your friend's kids, especially when you've been friends for decades.  Though it was brief, we were glad to get to visit with them.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Lightning strike

My parents have lived in their house on Lowes Creek for twenty two years.  Throughout those years, the house and property have gone through many changes, but a constant was the absolutely giant twin White Pine trees that towered over the front of the property.  One of those beauties was struck by lightning this week.  It basically exploded.  Windows were broken, the siding damaged, and there are electrical problems.  Even the pictures fell off the wall and the pod lights fell out in the kitchen.  My Mom was home at the time, and if the tree had fallen even a few feet closer to the house, she could've easily been killed.  We're feeling so grateful that it wasn't worse.  Though the cleanup is a pain and dealing with the insurance claims is not fun, we're so glad the people are safe, the house is still standing strong, and that everything broken can be repaired.

Monday, July 24, 2017


Here are some of Livi's adorable quirky phrases lately:

"Tippy Tippy Yi Yi" - Itsy Bitsy Spider

"Pah-Pah": backpack/life jacket

"Too": Love you too

When I'm rocking her before bed, she holds up each foot and each hand for a kiss.

"See-Sah": Kitty Cat

"Mom": Katie (I'm Mommy; Katie's Mom.  We think it's because she's heard her kids call her that so much.)

"I Dit": I did it! (She wants to do EVERYTHING by herself!!!!)

"Bubba Buppy": Bubble Guppies - her absolute favorite TV show

She tells this knock-knock 13059882830000 times a day:
"Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Pee Who?

Every morning when I take her out of her crib, she demands that I put her blanket on her stuffed horsie by saying, "Orsie Baba" over and over.

final countdown

We are in the last few days in our home on Messer Street.  Things look so empty and it's so amazing to me how with all the pictures, curtains, and cozy touches gone, our house no longer feels quite like home.  Even outside, with the plants and flowers gone, the warmth and charm of our house just seems to have diminished.  I think this means we are ready.

We have taken seven or eight trailer loads over to the new house, and have been storing things in the garage until the closing date on Friday.  I have packed countless boxes, totes, and tubs, weeding out three van loads to donate and another huge pile for a future Thrift sale.  Tomorrow will be our last full day in our house and will be spent gathering up all the final items and getting organized for the final move on Wednesday.  Once we get our beds and last items out of here, we'll be staying at Steve and Patti's for a couple of days.  And then, on Friday, we finally will get the keys to our new home!  I can't tell if I'm more excited about the actual house or just being done with all this packing/moving taking over my life.  Either way, it's great and we have so much to look forward to!

a laugh and a kiss

The other day, Nolan came to snuggle with me on the couch.  He laid his head on the right side of my chest and looked up at me with those big baby blues, giving me the sweetest smile and giggle, so I couldn't help but smile and laugh.  A few seconds later, he rolled over to the left side of my chest and I leaned forward to give him a kiss.  He sat right up and said, "So this one (pointing to my right breast) is for a laugh and this one is for a kiss (pointing to the left)."  I could've died laughing...

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Time with Great Grandma

Grandma Ruby called the other day and asked if she could take Nolan to see the BMX races in town.  So she drove over to pick him up and spent the entire afternoon at the races and the park with him.  He loved it.  I'm so happy that he has the precious opportunity to know, love, and be loved by his great grandparents.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Okee Dokee fanatic

Nolan loves the Okee Dokee Brothers.  I mean, he really, really, REALLY loves the Okee Dokee Brothers.  And they just released all their music DVDs on Netflix!  So, little buddy can be found several hours each day strumming his guitar or playing his harmonica along with his favorite music and singing his little heart out.

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Nolan: "You should be in the newspaper, Mommy!"

Me: "Why?"

Nolan:  "Because you make the best oatmeal pancakes in town."

Thursday, July 6, 2017

On the Pontoon

One of our favorite things to do together as a family is to go on the pontoon.  It is so relaxing to sit on the boat, soak in the sunshine, enjoy snacks, and tell stories.  All of our parents were able to join us for a great afternoon on the boat this holiday weekend.  

We stopped at Tom's house for some swimming.  Nolan was basically a fish and completely fearless.  Livi was a little less sure about the water and took some coaxing, but eventually waded around with Grandma and Grandpa close by.  Both kids had a great time in the relaxing in the hammock, too.  

To finish out the evening, we headed over to the Jailhouse for their Monday night pizza and beer special.  The kids were thrilled to have a pizza party on the boat and it was fun for all the adults, too.  We love that we live in an area with so many beautiful lakes and have the opportunity to make memories on our boat.

Summer at last!

After weeks and weeks of cold and rainy weather, we finally saw some sunshine and got to play outside.  Nolan has been interested in catching toads at Grandpa Steve and Grandma Patti's house lately.  Grandpa taught him how to pick them up carefully so as not to hurt them.  Livi likes to see them, too.

We also got to have a cookout and campfire in the backyard.  It may be one of last campfires we have in our current house!  The move is coming soon!  We had s'mores and enjoyed the time together - I think this was Livi's first s'more!  She wanted to make sure her puppy got some, too.  I love these simple moments we get to enjoy together as a family.

Strawberry Picking

Last weekend we decided to do something I've never done - pick strawberries!  We headed down to Merry's Berries in Antigo and had a great time.  The berries were absolutely huge and super sweet.  The kids both did a great job picking (and tasting) and we all agreed this will have to be an annual stop for our family.  

Fourth of July

Ever since moving to Rhinelander five years ago, the Fourth of July has been one of my favorite holidays.  For one thing, ever single year the weather is absolutely gorgeous - sunshine, light breeze - just the perfect summer day.  And I just love the Rhinelander parade.  The kids were all decked out in their red, white, and blue and we joined the hundreds of people lined up along Brown Street for the festivities.  My favorites are always the marching bands, and I especially love the bagpipe group that always comes from Thunder Bay.  Nolan has had a love/hate relationship with the parade over the past few years, but thanks to this year's noise cancelling headphones, he was unfazed by the loud sirens, horns, and instruments.  The loved collecting candy and freeze pops, and Nolan was so proud when a police officer hand delivered a special "sheriff" badge to him.  

After lunch we headed over to Tom's for our traditional potluck and time on the lake.  The kids had a blast swimming, playing with bubbles, relaxing in the hammock, and playing with cousins.  When dusk rolled in, it was time to head back to Messer Street for our last fireworks on our front lawn. Though Nolan was exhausted, we strongly suggested to him that if he felt brave, it would be a really special time to watch his first fireworks, as we won't have this opportunity after this year.  With the promise of his headphones to control the loud noise, he enthusiastically agreed.  Little man was tired as it was almost 10pm before the started, but wow, it was so worth it.  His precious face absolutely lit up and his mouth was open in awe, seeing those beautiful colors for the first time.  He told me the red ones were his favorite.  It was such a precious time snuggled up with my sweet little boy.  I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate.