Thursday, July 6, 2017

On the Pontoon

One of our favorite things to do together as a family is to go on the pontoon.  It is so relaxing to sit on the boat, soak in the sunshine, enjoy snacks, and tell stories.  All of our parents were able to join us for a great afternoon on the boat this holiday weekend.  

We stopped at Tom's house for some swimming.  Nolan was basically a fish and completely fearless.  Livi was a little less sure about the water and took some coaxing, but eventually waded around with Grandma and Grandpa close by.  Both kids had a great time in the relaxing in the hammock, too.  

To finish out the evening, we headed over to the Jailhouse for their Monday night pizza and beer special.  The kids were thrilled to have a pizza party on the boat and it was fun for all the adults, too.  We love that we live in an area with so many beautiful lakes and have the opportunity to make memories on our boat.

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