Monday, July 24, 2017


Here are some of Livi's adorable quirky phrases lately:

"Tippy Tippy Yi Yi" - Itsy Bitsy Spider

"Pah-Pah": backpack/life jacket

"Too": Love you too

When I'm rocking her before bed, she holds up each foot and each hand for a kiss.

"See-Sah": Kitty Cat

"Mom": Katie (I'm Mommy; Katie's Mom.  We think it's because she's heard her kids call her that so much.)

"I Dit": I did it! (She wants to do EVERYTHING by herself!!!!)

"Bubba Buppy": Bubble Guppies - her absolute favorite TV show

She tells this knock-knock 13059882830000 times a day:
"Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Pee Who?

Every morning when I take her out of her crib, she demands that I put her blanket on her stuffed horsie by saying, "Orsie Baba" over and over.

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