Monday, July 24, 2017

final countdown

We are in the last few days in our home on Messer Street.  Things look so empty and it's so amazing to me how with all the pictures, curtains, and cozy touches gone, our house no longer feels quite like home.  Even outside, with the plants and flowers gone, the warmth and charm of our house just seems to have diminished.  I think this means we are ready.

We have taken seven or eight trailer loads over to the new house, and have been storing things in the garage until the closing date on Friday.  I have packed countless boxes, totes, and tubs, weeding out three van loads to donate and another huge pile for a future Thrift sale.  Tomorrow will be our last full day in our house and will be spent gathering up all the final items and getting organized for the final move on Wednesday.  Once we get our beds and last items out of here, we'll be staying at Steve and Patti's for a couple of days.  And then, on Friday, we finally will get the keys to our new home!  I can't tell if I'm more excited about the actual house or just being done with all this packing/moving taking over my life.  Either way, it's great and we have so much to look forward to!

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