Somehow, almost as if I blinked, my little boy turned six. Each year on October 26, I think back to that momentous and life-defining experience of becoming a mother. It was not an easy road getting him here, and certainly there have been challenges since, but being Nolan's mom has been so amazing. I am so proud of him. Nolan has grown and matured in many ways this year. He is so deeply loving and empathetic. He notices when people need some loving and is happy to oblige. Obviously, he is brilliant and curious and asks 102937475492103345920191 questions a day, leaving me both bewildered and exhausted trying to come up with the answers. He has the best laugh and loves to be silly. He thinks farts and poop are the most hilarious things and loves Pokémon as much as life itself. He still struggles with anxiety from time to time. Change is hard for him and he worries about new and different things. Sometimes it is hard to help him manage this particular challenge, but we try hard to teach him coping skills to help him "beat the fears" and more often that not, he is successful. I have no doubt that this great sensitivity of his will be another superpower for him as he grows up.
I was lucky enough to get to spend his actual birthday with him as a chaperone on his class field trip to CAVOC. We learned about the weather from our local meteorologist, learned about pumpkins from the owner of a greenhouse, took a hike, and played games. It was fun to see him interact with his classmates. He is a good friend and a good student. We also had a few smaller celebrations with some family members - at Grandpa Jim and Grandma Marcia's house the week before and a birthday brunch with his other grandmas and grandpas and Uncle Tom on Sunday. I think he felt very loved.
Nolan, we love you so much and couldn't be happier to be your parents. Happy 6th Birthday, sweet boy!
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