Monday, November 12, 2018

Week 45: Something I Made

One of my personal goals has been to try to volunteer more in the community, so I started making monthly meals for the Frederick Place, a homeless shelter here in Rhinelander.  Each time that I've gone the shelter has been full - holding 16 residents.  I've made chicken pot pie, lasagna, and chili for meals so far and each time I've arrived to the house I've received a warm welcome and offers of help with unloading the car.  My goal is to continue this for the foreseeable future, though I may be taking some time off while our baby is new.  I hope that my kids can help me with it, too.  I think it is so important to teach them how to share what we have with others.  No one should ever have to be hungry, especially while so many have so much.  It is one way we can put Scripture into action, and I look forward to teaching my kids about what the Gospel calls us to do.

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