Saturday, November 24, 2018

Week 46: Thankful

We spent our Thanksgiving week in Eau Claire visiting my side of the family.  We spent the holiday itself at my Grandma Edie and Grandpa Arnie's house.  It was especially fun this year because Nolan and Livi were really excited to play with their cousins, Ian and Kate.  They had a great time playing together ALL afternoon.  It was so fun to see them enjoying each other.  Around this time last year, we were very concerned about Grandma Edie.  She had just received her pancreatic cancer diagnosis and was due to start chemo that week.  She was weak and very sick and we weren't sure if she would be with us for future holidays.  This year's Thanksgiving had a much different tone.  With the recent good news of her clear cancer scan, we had a renewed feeling of gratitude as we gathered around her table this year.  It truly was a day of thanksgiving as we counted our many, many blessings.  

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