Friday, November 30, 2018

Week 47: Family

Our family is growing! And today we got a sneak peak at our little one at our 20 week ultrasound.  We decided to find out the gender this time for a couple of reasons: 1. we hadn't done it that way before and 2. more information = a calmer, more prepared Nolan and 3. once I knew, I could start weeding out the baby items we won't need anymore, since we are planning that this will be our last pregnancy.  Eric and I were certain that we were having a girl.  I was absolutely shocked beyond belief when the ultrasound tech told us that we were in fact, having a boy!  This just proves that I have absolutely zero mother's intuition when it comes to the gender of our children.  I've been wrong every time!  Baby Boy looks very healthy, though on the larger size (no surprise, there).  I couldn't believe how wide his feet were - those Flintstone foot genes from Daddy are strong! His little profile picture reminds me so much of Nolan as a newborn, who looked just like his Grandpa Jim.  Little Boy, we're so excited to meet you and to start our life as a family of five!

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