Monday, June 17, 2019


I feel very fortunate to have Eric as my partner in raising our beautiful kiddos.  He knocks the fatherhood thing out of the park.  Here are a few ways he does that:

1. He is fun.  The kids giggle manically at his goofy faces, silly sounds, and fart jokes.
2. He wants the same opportunities for his sons AND his daughter.
3. We are a team in all areas - he helps with dishes, cooking, cleaning, and any other jobs that come up.
4. He is a safe place.  He kisses owies, gives baths, and shares snuggles.
5. He puts his family first, always and without question.
6. He takes time to make memories with them.

He is our kids' hero and I am so thankful that they have his love and presence as a constant in their lives.  Having an awesome, hero dad myself, I am grateful that my kids will be so lucky, too.  Happy Father's Day!

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