Friday, June 14, 2019

Number 2

It finally happened.  After 18 long months.  Olivia pooped in the potty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She told me that she was starting to go poop and that she was going to go on the potty.  I asked her if she wanted help and she said no and to close the door so she could have privacy like Nolan.  I left her alone for a few minutes, hearing a few grunts through the closed door.  All of a sudden I hear, "Mommy!!!!!!!!!! I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!"  At first I didn't believe her, but when I went to inspect, I saw the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.  A perfect (albeit giant) turd floating in the toilet bowl.  I have never been so proud of anything ever.  I have spent the last 18 months trying to convince her not to poop in her underwear or pull-up. I have patiently (though begrudgingly) cleaned up smooshed turd after smooshed turd from all of her most intimate of parts.  I have cut off and thrown away countless pairs of underwear because I just didn't have it in my to scrub any more poop.  But not today.  Today, my amazing daughter pooped in the potty. This may be the best day of my life.

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