Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year's Eve

We celebrated a kid-free New Year's Eve out at Holiday Acres with Steve and Patti and Tom and Sara.  We had a delicious 5 course meal of appetizers, shrimp bisque, salad, halibut or lamb, and dessert.  It was fun to have the opportunity to get out to celebrate...we went to Holiday Acres for our first NYE as a married couple 8 years ago, but haven't been out since! This New Year's also marks the 14th anniversary of the day that Eric and I met at our friend, Brandon's party.  It is amazing how quickly time goes!

We have a few goals for ourselves as we start the new year and decade:
1. Eric and I are both trying to be more active and make healthy eating choices.
2. I'd like to go to a few more horse shows.
3. It may sound silly, but I am trying to make sure I go to bed with a clean kitchen sink.  It makes the day so much easier when the dishes are done from the night before.
4. I am trying to be more mindful and organized around our home, in an attempt to reduce clutter.
5. Eric would like to get biking again.

2019 was a challenging year for us.  Having a third child, while extremely rewarding, has brought its challenges - largely from a lack of sleep! Influenza, a kidney stone, head lice, and a cracked scalp have complicated things a bit, too.  While 2019 brought us many blessings - Simon, Everett, Tom and Sara's marriage - I can't say we'll be sorry to start fresh and see what the next year has in store for us! Happy New Year!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Winter Wonderland

2019 was officially the snowiest winter on record for the city of Rhinelander.  We have had so many big snowstorms already in the past couple of months, with no end in sight.  The plus side in all this snow, is the BEAUTIFUL landscape that has been created.  The trees are absolutely laden with piles of gorgeous marshmallow snow.  Ice crystals cover the thinner branches.  The snow is glittery and the woods are as pretty as I've ever seen them.  Life has been busy and I haven't gotten out to take pictures of my own, but here a few pictures taken by other Rhinelander residents of the beautiful landscape.  I don't like winter, but even I can't deny the beauty!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Staple Head

We had a bit of a scary experience while staying at my parents in Eau Claire.  On the way out to the van, Eric slipped on the icy sidewalk and his head flew backward into the concrete step.  I walked onto the scene seconds later and saw him reach up to his head and come back with a super bloody hand.  The kids were in the van waiting for Eric, and Olivia just started sobbing when she saw it.  I ran back into the house to get some towels and we got Eric into the house to try to get the bleeding under control.  It wasn't long before we knew he needed medical attention, so we left the 3 kids with Dad, Mom drove the car, and I sat in the back with Eric on our way to the emergency room.  Fortunately by the time we got there, the bleeding was mostly under control and his neurological signs were normal.  His pain was mostly manageable throughout the whole thing, thank goodness.  The worst part was getting the lidocaine shots.  His hide was so tough, it bent the needle!  They ended up stapling the gash together with 9 staples, and he was good as new.  Honestly, throughout this whole mess, the only thing running through my head was gratitude.  Gratitude that he didn't get hurt worse, gratitude that it wasn't someone more frail that fell instead, and gratitude that in this moment of chaos we had plenty of adults handy to make sure everyone's needs were met.  2019 was a challenging year for us and though we're a little battered, we've made it through!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Danzinger Family Christmas

Christmas morning we left for our trip to Eau Claire to celebrate the holiday.  We went straight to Grandpa Arnie and Grandma Edie's house for our traditional gathering with all my aunts, uncles, and cousins.  It was good to see Grandma and Grandpa.  I hadn't seen them in quite a while, and in the meantime Grandpa broke his hip and Grandma is still battling pancreatic cancer.  I'm grateful for any opportunity I get to spend with them.  We had a lovely time there.  The kids especially love the chance to play with their cousins, Ian and Kate.  This year, Grandma turned over a bunch of the cooking to her kids.  Her recipes held up, and the beef tenderloin, Caesar salad, and sweet and sour cabbage were as good as ever.  She must be a good teacher.  After gifts and dessert, it was time to head on to Grandpa Jim and Grandma Marcia's to get tucked in for the night.

The kids woke up the next morning to yet another Christmas tree with presents stacked high all around it.  Nolan loved the Greninja stuffed animal and Harry Potter wand he got and Olivia was over the moon for her Elsa doll and horse, as well as a dollhouse which was made by her Great Great Grandpa Edwin.  Simon was more interested in the paper and boxes than any gifts, but he got many new toys, clothes, and other essentials.  It was a wonderful morning.  We spent the rest of the day hanging out with Luke, Annalyse, and Everett and enjoying the delicious food.

Our time in Eau Claire went quickly, but we remain so thankful for the wonderful memories that we made.  We are so fortunate to have such loving, generous, and fun family and are thankful to be able to spend the holidays together.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve

For the past several years, we have spent Christmas Eve in Rhinelander and headed to Eau Claire in a frantic rush on Christmas morning.  This year we decided to do things a little different and ask Santa to come on the night of the 23rd instead.  He happily obliged, (with thanks for the yummy cookies) which meant that we got to have a much more relaxing morning under the Christmas tree.  Nolan got the super wished-for Pokémon video game, Livi got some dress up clothes and Spirit Legos, and Simon got a super cool rocking dragon.  My favorite gift under the tree for them this year was the Love Books that I made for them with all their pictures and memories from the past year inside.  It was a super relaxing morning with plenty of time to enjoy their presents before the church festivities began in the afternoon.  I played piano and sang duets with Faith at church, which has become a tradition of the past few years.  It is always such a treat to get to sing with her.  The rest of the family sat together and enjoyed the candle lighting while singing Silent Night - a special tradition for our church and family.  It is always magical seeing the dark church fill with light, candle by candle.

After church, we headed to Aunt Debbie's house for the gathering of Eric's family.  We ate lots of delicious food, the kids played with their cousins, and we laughed and chatted with our family.  We also decided that next year we are going to hold off on the adult gift exchange.  This year there were well over 30 people that participated, and with that many people, it takes FOREVER and we don't have time to visit with one another.  Ruby also "officially" turned 90 on Christmas Eve.  We celebrated with a big party back in August, but enjoyed some cake and ice cream in her honor.  It was a wonderful Christmas Eve.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Ory Family Christmas

We kicked off our Christmas festivities with a Saturday spent with the Orys.  There was a present mountain under the Christmas tree and all of us were very spoiled.  Nolan and Livi each got new tablets, which they have been asking for and Simon got a new big boy car seat.  Eric and I were spoiled too with many lovely gifts and our whole family got a subscription to Disney Plus.  We spent the bulk of the day there, playing outside in the snow, hanging out with Sara and Tom, and enjoying some delicious food.  We're so grateful for these precious days together and the opportunity to make memories over the holidays.  We have such a wonderful family.  We are thankful.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas Tea

This year, Grandma Patti invited Olivia over for the first annual Christmas Tea.  Simon and I got to come too, along with Grandma Ruby.  Livi wanted to dress up fancy, in her best tea party attire.  Grandma had everything looking beautiful and Christmassy.  We had tea (Livi had apple juice), petit fours, Christmas cookies, and truffles.  It was a special time together, and I hope it becomes a tradition!