Friday, December 27, 2019

Staple Head

We had a bit of a scary experience while staying at my parents in Eau Claire.  On the way out to the van, Eric slipped on the icy sidewalk and his head flew backward into the concrete step.  I walked onto the scene seconds later and saw him reach up to his head and come back with a super bloody hand.  The kids were in the van waiting for Eric, and Olivia just started sobbing when she saw it.  I ran back into the house to get some towels and we got Eric into the house to try to get the bleeding under control.  It wasn't long before we knew he needed medical attention, so we left the 3 kids with Dad, Mom drove the car, and I sat in the back with Eric on our way to the emergency room.  Fortunately by the time we got there, the bleeding was mostly under control and his neurological signs were normal.  His pain was mostly manageable throughout the whole thing, thank goodness.  The worst part was getting the lidocaine shots.  His hide was so tough, it bent the needle!  They ended up stapling the gash together with 9 staples, and he was good as new.  Honestly, throughout this whole mess, the only thing running through my head was gratitude.  Gratitude that he didn't get hurt worse, gratitude that it wasn't someone more frail that fell instead, and gratitude that in this moment of chaos we had plenty of adults handy to make sure everyone's needs were met.  2019 was a challenging year for us and though we're a little battered, we've made it through!

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